This is not someone else's world. This world is YOUR world.

It's YOUR earth. Just like you take care of you'r cell phone, you'r children and you'r home, you need to take of YOU'R earth. So put down that remote, grab your shoes, and put a smile on your face. Cause you have successfully completed the 1st stp in making a change today!
(Sometimes I may post current random news articles that I have found on the web!)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hello Everyone,

Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I have been very disappointed in our world, lately. So many court trials, murderers, protesters, ect. All I want is for the world to be a peaceful place. Why are so many children afraid of the world? The world should not be someting to fear. But for something to enjoy life on. So might us all join in and make a change. For everyone. "It takes one person to make a difference for everyone!"
-Life's moments. Thank you. You are here to make a change!

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