This is not someone else's world. This world is YOUR world.

It's YOUR earth. Just like you take care of you'r cell phone, you'r children and you'r home, you need to take of YOU'R earth. So put down that remote, grab your shoes, and put a smile on your face. Cause you have successfully completed the 1st stp in making a change today!
(Sometimes I may post current random news articles that I have found on the web!)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Protests go global, rampage, tear gas in Rome

Right now in Rome, hundreds of highly dangerous, vicious, hooded, masked protesters rampaged through Rome in some of the most terrifying violence in the Italian capital for years and years, Saturday, madly torching cars and shattering windows during a more huger peaceful protest against elites blamed for economic downturn.
Police repeatedly fired tear gas and water cannon in attempts to disperse them but the clashes with a minority of violent demonstrators stretched into the evening, just hours after tens of thousands of people in Rome joined a global "day of rage" against bankers and politicians.
Sizzling smoke flooded over numerous parts of the chaosed neighborhood between the Colosseum and St John's Basilica, forcing many residents and peaceful demonstrators to race into buildings and churches for shelter as militant protesters ran wild.
After police managed to shove the well-organized radicals away from the St. John's area, they ravaged a major thoroughfare, the Via Merulana — building barricades with garbage cans and setting the netting of the scaffolding of a building flaming, on fire.
Discontent is smoldering in Italy over high unemployment, political paralysis and a whoppin'60 billion euros ($83 billion) of austerity measures that have raised taxes and the cost of health care.
The violence at times resembled urban guerrilla warfare as protesters chucked, and hurled sharp rocks, giant bottles and bursting fireworks at police, who responded by repeatedly charging the demonstrators.
Around 70 people were very injured, according to updated news reports, including one man who tried to force the strange, vicious, dangerous protesters from chucking bottles. It kills me to think that people are this un-caring.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Right now- In New York City, hundreds of protesters, emboldened by the growing national outcry against what they see as the greed of Wall Street, flooded past the fine homes of some of the country's richest, wealthiest residents Tuesday in a "Millionaires March."
Members of the Occupy Wall Street movement stomped along the sidewalks of Manhattan's East Side, along world-famous streets like Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue, stopping to jeer "Tax the rich!" and "Where's my bailout?" -Hold on a second- Is this the honest, humble, responsible way to get what we want?
NO it is not. Let's take a look at the next papragraph of this story:
They paused outside buildings where they said media mogul Rupert Murdoch, banker Jamie Dimon and oil tycoon David Koch had homes and expressed concern about how much less the wealthy will pay — and who would be harmed because of those lowered tax revenues — when New York's 2 percent "millionaires' tax" expires in December.
"I have nothing against these people personally; I just think they should pay their fair share of taxes," said Michael Pollack, 52, an office worker in a law firm. (That's reasonable!!!)
He held up a sign with a saying attributed to department store founder Edward Filene: "Why shouldn't the American people take half my money from me? I took all of it from them." That is not cool.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hello Everyone,

Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I have been very disappointed in our world, lately. So many court trials, murderers, protesters, ect. All I want is for the world to be a peaceful place. Why are so many children afraid of the world? The world should not be someting to fear. But for something to enjoy life on. So might us all join in and make a change. For everyone. "It takes one person to make a difference for everyone!"
-Life's moments. Thank you. You are here to make a change!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


What's Going On?

CAIRO (AP) — On her first day to school, 15-year-old Christian student Ferial Habib was unexpectedly quickly cut-short at the large doorstep of her new high school with clear, simple instructions: either put on a headscarf, or no school this year.
Habib firmly refused. While most Muslim women in Egypt wear the headscarf, Christians do not, and the move by administrators to force a Christian student to don it was unprecedented. For the next two stressful weeks, Habib reported to school in the southern Egyptian village of Sheik Fadl every day in her school uniform, without the head covering, only to be turned back by determined teachers.
One day, Habib heard the school loudspeakers echoing her name and teachers with megaphones leading a very large number of students in chants of "We don't want Ferial here," the neglected teenager told The Associated Press.
Habib's was allowed last week to attend without the scarf, and civil rights advocates say her case is a very rare one. But it stokes the fears of Egypt's significant Christian minority that they will become the victims as Islamists grow more assertive after the Feb. 11 toppling of President Hosni Mubarak. It also illustrates how amid the country's political turmoil, with little sense of who is in charge and government control weakened, Islamic conservatives in low-level posts can step in and try to unilaterally enforce their own decisions.
Wagdi Halfa, one of Habib's lawyers, said the root problem is a lack of the rule of law.
"We don't want more laws but we want to activate the laws already in place," he said. "We are in a dark tunnel in terms of sectarian tension. Even if you have the majority who are moderate Muslims, a minority of extremists can make big impact on them and poison their minds."
In the past weeks, riots have broken out at two churches in southern Egypt, prompted by Muslim crowds angered by church construction. One riot broke out, near the city of Aswan, even after church officials agreed to a demand by local ultraconservative Muslims, called Salafis, that a cross and bells be removed from the building.
The violence is particularly frustrating for Christians because soon after Mubarak's fall the new government promised to review and lift heavy Mubarak-era restrictions on building or renovating churches. The promise raised hopes among Christians that the government would establish a clear legal right to build, resolving an issue that in recent years has increasingly sparked riots. But the review never came, and Salafi clerics have increased their rhetoric against Christians, including accusing them of seeking to spread their faith with new churches.
Habib's experience was startling because in general, Egypt's Christians, who make up at least 10 percent of the population of 80 million, have enjoyed relative freedom in terms of dress and worship. The vast majority of Muslim women in Egypt put on the headscarf, known as the higab, either for religious or social reasons, but there's little expectation that Christians wear it.
The demand that all students wear the higab was a decision by administrators and teachers at the high school in Sheik Fadl, 110 miles (180 kilometers) south of Cairo in Minya province. They said the headscarf was part of the school uniform, necessary to protect girls from sexual harassment.
A top provincial Education Ministry official, Abdel-Gawad Abdullah, said in an interview with CTV, a private Egyptian Christian television network, that the ministry gives schools the right to decide on school uniforms, and that parents during screening and application can either accept or refuse.
"And if the father wants to move his daughter to another school, it is OK," he said. "All the girls, including the Christians, put on the head cover and they have no problem," he added.
Habib's father Sorial complained to officials, demanding his daughter be allowed to attend without a scarf.
"After the revolution, there are no administration and no officials to go to. The system is lax and there is no supervision from the ministry," he told AP. "If things were under control, extremists would not have a free hand to act as they wish."
Habib was finally allowed to attend last Tuesday.
"I am happy I did what I want and that no one can force something on me. But I am afraid of the students and the teachers," she told AP. "The teachers are not normal with me and I am sure they will give me low grades at the end of the year."
Hossam Bahgat, head of the Cairo-based Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, which tracks religious discrimination and other civil rights issues, said he had not seen a case like Habib's before. "We know that there is pressure on Muslim girls to put on the higab, especially in secondary school, not from the administration but from the girls."
He said some Muslim girls in general put on the veil to distinguish themselves from Christians.
Recent attacks on churches in southern Egypt also illustrate the heat Christians are under. Under Mubarak-era rules, the building of a church or repairs for an existing one required permission from local authorities and the state security agency — a rule not applied to mosques. The rules sought to avoid outbursts of violence from Muslim hard-liners. Since permission was rarely given, Christians at times resorted to building churches in secret, often in parish guesthouses.
On Sept. 30, a Muslim mob attacked a church in southern village of Marynab in Aswan province because they believed the Christians were illegally constructing a new church. Church officials had documents showing they had permission to build a new church to replace a previous, run-down one at the same site.
Even before the attack, Muslim protests prompted priests to turn to security officials, who arranged a meeting with local elders and Salafis. In the face of their demands, the priests agreed to take down a cross and bells on the church, according to church officials. Still, after the Christians erected a dome, the mob attacked, setting the church and nearby homes and shops on fire.
Aswan's governor, Gen. Mustafa Kamel al-Sayyed, further hiked tensions by telling the media that the church was being built on the site of a guesthouse, suggesting it was illegal.
In response, hundreds of Christians marched in front of the governor's office last week, demanding those behind the attack be prosecuted and families who lost homes be compensated. Christians also protested in Cairo, cutting off a main avenue in the heart of the capital, demanding the governor's ouster, until soldiers dispersed them by force.
Days after the Aswan attack, Muslim villagers in the southern province of Sohag tried to storm Saint Girgis church, shouting "No to church construction," as Christians on rooftops rained stones down on them. The assault was prompted by construction of a church in a guesthouse.