This is not someone else's world. This world is YOUR world.

It's YOUR earth. Just like you take care of you'r cell phone, you'r children and you'r home, you need to take of YOU'R earth. So put down that remote, grab your shoes, and put a smile on your face. Cause you have successfully completed the 1st stp in making a change today!
(Sometimes I may post current random news articles that I have found on the web!)

Monday, December 5, 2011


THIS IS SO SAD: Yes,you heard it, a poor, innocent, nine year old fourth grader, was immediatly suspended from his school, after calling a teacher 'cute'.
Shocked Chiquita Lockett of Gastonia, N.C., told WSOC-TV of Charlotte, N.C., which first reported the story, that her innocent 9-year-old son, Emanyea, shouldn't have been forced home from Brookside Elementary School.
"It's not like he went up to the woman and tried to grab her or touch her in an innapropriate way," Lockett told WSOC. "So why would he be suspended for two days?"
The Gaston County school district said it couldn't discuss the incident beyond confirming that Emanyea was suspended for "inappropriate behavior" after making "inappropriate statements." PSHH! YA RIGHT! Get a life Gaston County school district! Gee I wonder what's gonna happen next?
Freedom...YA RIGHT! WHERE IS AMERICA?! The 2 biggest things America has lost:
1. freedom
2. COMMON SENSE!!!! Doesn't this make you wanna stand up and say something? Protest? I am losing all my pride for living in america! If we have no freedom, what are our troops fighting for? Now, all of a sudden nine year old innocent boys are getting disciplined for complementing teachers. GGRR!!
I am taking a stand, to try to make our U.S a better place. Please give your opinion in the comment box.(:

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Where is our freedom? If are freedom is slowly being taken away, then what are our troops fighting for?

Flying fashionistas with a thing for the second-ammenment may want to leave their gun-themed purses and other paraphernalia at home, lest they be flagged as a security risk and miss their flights. Wow!! Everyone on the plane should be so scared, and so threatened and worried for their safety because “Somebody has a harmless design on their purse!! And it looks like a gun that has been engraved on to that purse from the dollar store!”
As she was innocently flying home after the recent, hectic, holiday weekend, Virginia Gibbs' gun-themed purse was flagged as a major security risk by Transportation Security Administration officials at the Norfolk, Virginia, airport.
While Gibbs told CNN that she's carried the purse on many flights, the 17-year-old says she was told that the purse "was a federal offense because it's in the shape of a toy gun.” I'm like, 'it’s a design on a purse. How is it a federal offense?'  By the time TSA officials figured out that the purse was a fake, (Gee! It probably took the TSA at LEAST an hour to come to conclusion that the design on Gibb’s purse was NOT a real gun!) TSA’s offered Gibbs the opportunity to give up the purse, or check it. But it was too late, the innocent 17 year old Virginia Gibbs, had missed her flight, and was placed on another plane to Orlando. Her worried, and frantic mother drove from Jacksonville to Orlando to pick her “threat to the TSA” daughter up. Oh give us a break! Anyone with one third of a brain could decide in two seconds that’s a toy gun, So, I can see why the TSA would be fooled. The TSA fumbled around and made her miss her flight, then blames her for not showing up six hours early to give the TSA agents enough time to analyze the toy revolver on a tacky purse. Such ignorance and arrogance! TSA scanners are 3D, and the image can be rotated in any direction (for baggage). If it looked like a gun from the side, like the photo, when they rotated it 90ยบ in any direction - they would have seen that it was less than a quarter inch thick. WHAT kind of gun is this? And as soon as it was opened and examined, they would have realized it was made of leather. Some danger!  If she were in Germany she could carry around a gun purse, drive 100 mph, drink a beer, go topless at the beach, or smoke a joint, but she'd miss America, with the most freedom in the world. I am not trying to criticize America…but seriously?! This is the most unbelievable act of injustice I have ever hear of! Do you guys see what is going on in America? Yes, there are lots of robberies, murderers, Serial killers, terrorists, and threats to the people of America. But do you think that a design on a purse that looks like a gun, should cause an innocent citizen of America to miss their flight? And I thought that nothing could get more ridiculous than the teen in Orlando who got a 5-day suspension for hugging in school. Please leave your thoughts below.