This is not someone else's world. This world is YOUR world.

It's YOUR earth. Just like you take care of you'r cell phone, you'r children and you'r home, you need to take of YOU'R earth. So put down that remote, grab your shoes, and put a smile on your face. Cause you have successfully completed the 1st stp in making a change today!
(Sometimes I may post current random news articles that I have found on the web!)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pepper Spray Video):

Ouch!Wow- May God Bless the eyes of those that were pepper sprayed! This really made me mad!!!! Don't use words- use pepper spray. Why can't we remember that people are people and they have feelings too? The University of California, Davis, is launching an investigation into the actions of a police officer who pepper sprayed a group of students. Chancellor Linda Katehi said that she found UC Davis pepper spray incident “chilling” but that she would not stop down as Chancellor.
Katehi wrote in a statement:
“The events of this intervention have been videotaped and widely distributed. As indicated in various videos, the police used pepper spray against the students who were blocking the way. The use of pepper spray as shown on the video is chilling to us all and raises many questions about how best to handle situations like this.”
Here’s the video of the incident.

The New York Daily News reports that the students were participating in the “Occupy UC Davis” movement. Chancellor Katehi allowed police on to the campus so that they could remove students who had set up tents in the University’s quad.
From the video, it doesn’t look like the police were threatened in any way. The officer seems perfectly calm as he walks up and down the line of protesters spraying them with pepper spray.
In an open letter to Katehi, Nathan Brown, an assistant professor in the English Department, wrote:
“You are responsible for it because this is what happens when UC Chancellors order police onto our campuses to disperse peaceful protesters through the use of force: students get hurt. Faculty get hurt…. You are responsible for the police violence directed against students on the UC Davis quad on November 18, 2011. As I said, I am writing to hold you responsible and to demand your immediate resignation on these grounds.”
Should Katehi step down as Chancellor? Should the officer in the video be stripped of his badge? This is so sad and so mean- what a bully this "officer" is.

Monday, November 7, 2011


BREAKINGNEWS: Dr. Conrad Murray has been found guilty of manslaughter! The verdict was announced today around 1:00pm. After Verdict was read, a hush fell over the courtroom as jaws dropped, and the court house erupted in screams of triumph as the shocking verdict was read. WOW!! Towards the back of the courtroom, a loud scream of shock was slipped out by one of the defense jurors!!! The Jackson family celebrates in react to Murray verdict.
The cheerful and smiling La Toya Jackson told E! News that she was "very happy" with the the shocking guilty verdict for Dr. Conrad Murray who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol.
WHOA- Just outside the chaotic courthouse, hundreds and dozens of sign-wielding fans had erupted into rambunctious cheers. "This is the best day of my life!" one ebullient woman told E! in reaction to the verdict.
But though the wild Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office got its desired result, there is one thorn sticking in its side.....):
God bless you these next 4years Dr. Murray!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Teens punished for hugging. Wow, yep this is America. Where we have "freedom". Please submit your thoughts and comments on this story, below.

So, in Orlando, Florida, 14 year old Nick Martinez, an honor-roll Southwest Middle School student said he innocently, and briefly hugged his best friend, a female student, between classes, according to WKMG-TV, Orlando. But never did he think the gesture would result in an immediate school-suspension. The principal at Southwest Middle School in Palm Bay, saw the hug and brought the two students to the dean, who issued a one-day in-school suspension.


“Honestly, I didn’t know, because I didn’t think hugging was a bad thing. I didn’t know you could get suspended for it,” Martinez told WKMG-TV. “A lot of friends are hugging. I just happened to be the one caught doing it.”
Nick says that he was simply Comforting her, after she broke down in tears,one of her parents had recently passed away. Well apparently Southwest is Drug Free, gun free, and now Hug- free. Coulter’s parents protested but say she was threatened with suspension from school. The 13-year-old is serving her detentions, and promises to stop hugging her friends rather than risking further punishment. Nick is an honor roll student. He just received a certificate of outstanding performance Thursday, signed by the principal. He was shocked when the incident happened.